Once again, I must say that the SL sisters are a rare breed. Thank you. I am SL'D ONE FULL WEEK now and I'm beginning to love seeing the changes as the partings close in on each other. My hair is so light and flyaway...it goes in all directions. This long weekend is giving me a chance to really absorb what I've done and how I look. I've been on line constantly to read and learn more and more. I want to embrace everything at once. It's really interesting to read about other's lives. It's odd to share such deep feelings for all to read, but it's peaceful and rewarding. I have the urge to buy new make up, change my wardrobe, and work out more to compliment my hair. My baby locs are the center of my world right now. I’ve thrown away my old hair products. I have space in my cabinets and under my sink. This week has been like a roller coaster ride. One day I'm loving it, the next day I'm feeling insecure and vulnerable. I've been depressed and elated. Today, I'm happy and yesterday I was happy….so it’s getting better all the time.
y scalp began to itch yesterday and I thought it was just the psychological effect from reading all the “Itchy Itchy” LockItUp posts on yahoo. Then I realized it was itching where I’ve been spraying the most water. The water in vegas is very, very hard; I don't drink it..…in fact, I used to use bottled water for my final hair rinse when I washed my hair. The mineral buildup in our water is obviously evident by the residue it leaves on the faucets and showers. I did a little research and found out that the build up of chemicals in the water could be a cause of the itching and drying out the hair. So, I'm taking no chances. From now on, I’m misting my hair with bottled water. I love that water is now my friend! I carry the spray bottle with me...the mist is a nice refresher in this 107 degree weather.
I’ve begun to get (what I call) little “beadies” on the bottoms. They’re kind of cute and are mostly in the back right now.
I’ve taken pictures almost every day. I’ll be posting some them along with some before/natural pictures shortly. I've enjoyed looking at others' transformations. Just like most of us, I've gone though many, many years of hair woes and it will be fun for me to see and share them.